Sunday, January 3, 2016


In a culture like ours in the Philippines, certain new year traditions are being performed to attract good luck in the coming year.  In our home, we usually have 13 kinds of round fruits on the table, for abundance.  We also have sticky rice treats for the family to "stick together".  At the strike of 12 midnight, each family member eats 12 grapes at the strike of 12 midnight(for abundance for the next 12 months) and kiat-kiat (small citrus fruits) are rolled from the main door into the house to welcome good luck into the household.  

As the year changes, all the lights in the house should be turned on and your wallet , pockets and angpao envelopes should have lots of money. There should be noise to drive away bad spirits or bad things.

There are also some dont's to watch out for.  Don't spend money on the 1st day of the year or else you will end up with a lot of expenses during the year.  Don't serve chicken or you will be poor (from the idiomatic expression "isang kahig, isang tuka" which means hand to mouth existence).  

It's 2016 now and some of these age old traditions are still being done.  It's part of the fun of being a Filipino and I'm not missing up on (some of) them. 

But I'm also not missing up on another "personal tradition":  to look back and be grateful for the good the past year has brought me, and to look forward with a heart full of hope to the new year.  So for this 2016, my life-hashtags would be:


Happy 2016 everyone!